Monday, February 11, 2008

Estate Sales....

I LOVE going to estate sales! We happened upon one this weekend in our had been quite some time since I'd gone to one so I was a bit excited to see what there was also a bit sad as I knew the couple who had lived there.

When we bought our house 11 years ago you would see them walking arm-in-arm through the neighborhood to get their daily exercise. I believe they were already in their 80s...He died 1st...she stopped taking her walks...then this fall she passed away. They had no children, nobody to clear out their house for them.

it made me think about the things I hang onto and cherish...what will others think of them when I am gone? The woman who lived there must have been quite a fashion plate in her day as we found fur hats and stoles in neatly labeled boxes as well as a box full of old hats....we couldn' t resist...many of them came home with us, along with some of her gloves...eily, leo & I spent the afternoon dressing up in her treasures...something a grandchild would have loved.

I hope she saw the happiness it brought us.


Katarina said...

Love your new ME photo!!!!Your eyes are stunning;)

Yummers! said...

What a lovely post. I could have cried. I've lost both of my parents and I (and my girls) treasure all of the things they loved. It's so sad thinking of people with no children.