with siggi's that is!

I have always been a fan of greek style yogurt and while grocery shopping late last night the gorgeous packaging of Siggi's yogurt caught my eye...I had to give it a try!

I opted for orange ginger .... a flavor never before encountered in yogurt and now my favorite! I wished the container had been twice the size! Not only is this yogurt delicious - it is good for you too! And an added bonus for me it is "local" - made in Chenango County NY! Siggi buys milk from local family farms that grass feed their cows and do not inject them with any type of growth hormones. It is sweetened with agave nectar rather than artificial sweeteners or high fructose corn syrup.
The packaging has also been designed with a nod to the environment...Late in 2007, siggi’s skyr launches a new cup design that uses 40-50% less plastic than regular yogurt cups and is supported by a recyclable cardboard sleeve.
I had luck finding it at wegmans and their website lets you enter your zip code to find a retailer near you! You can also LIKE them on facebook...siggi's on facebook
Let me know if you try it - I would love to hear what you think!
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