phew...sorry it has taken me so long to get back to my blog. Cute boys in skirts is a hard act to follow! I think I had a record number of comments for that post LOL...I also had a record number of tags - 6 to be exact!
I need to accomplish quite a bit with this post so please excuse the length!
First...this post marks my 100th post so I would like to celebrate with a contest! I will choose a lucky winner from people who post a comment on this post- I will randomly select a name on Sunday night and post the winner here on Monday....what is up for grabs? A surprise from me! Don't hesitate to comment if you have no children - I make fun things for grown-ups too!! So..leave a comment by SUNDAY night and you'll have chance to win a little surprise!
Second - tag you're it x6! egads does that mean 42 things about me??? I fear you know too much already reading my blog LOL so I will stick to 7....
1. when I was born my middle name was Logan but at some point in the first few weeks/months of life my parents changed it ot Mary - they later gave Logan to my youngest brother.
2. I turn 40 this year! EEKKKK - run for the hills & hide!
3. I have craft ADD - who doesn't that reads my blog?!?!?
4. I would love to travel to Asia, especially Vietnam
5. we don't have cable TV or a microwave! It'sour version of living off the grid!
6. the hammock in our front yard is my little slice of heaven on earth - when the kids get off the bus we love to snuggle together and talk about their day.
7. I make a mean chocolate chip cookie and I love to bake for our school bus driver
*****I too am going to pass on tagging 7 new folks as I could never catch the other kids when we played tag on the playground! ***********
Third...I have a number of new listings on both ebay & etsy!
felted wool purse with detachable sash and felted CASHMERE flower pin!

new knit skirt on etsy

2 piece knit set for ODOD's playdate launch on ebay

sister sets on ebay for BDB Write Stuff Launch - the gorgeous models are Amanda & Whitney!!

so - thanks for reading all of this and don't forget to leave a comment!