Women to Watch...
Last week I had the honor of being nominated for a column in our local paper called Women To Watch....They interviewed me and I had a little photoshoot at my house with one of the photogs from the paper - it was a lot of fun and surprising how many people commented to me afterwards that they had seen me in the paper!

Occupation: Owner and creative vision behind gock’s frocks…individually inspired designs. A handmade clothing and accessory (for children and women) business — primarily web-based at www.gocksfrocks.etsy.com but I also participate in a few regional shows.
Community activities: Co-leader of QABATS youth program at Third Presbyterian Church, leader of Discover Great New Writers/Cornell Alumni Book Group at Barnes & Noble; dining room ministry at Third Presbyterian Church; steering committee Fine Arts Festival Calkins Road Middle School; parent volunteer coordinator Calkins Road Middle School; Pittsford PTSA Room Parent; Listening Post Parent Coordinator Calkins Road Middle School.
My favorite thing to do in Rochester: I love taking my kids to some of my favorite places from my childhood in Rochester: Cobbs Hill Reservoir, Skywalk downtown, Highland Park Conservatory, Charlotte Beach and the river, Manhattan Square Park, Jines, the Little, Anderson Alley to visit the artists…
Biggest challenge I’ve overcome and how I did it: Just after we were married my husband and I moved to Poland as part of a volunteer program that he was participating in. We went after receiving only 2 ½ weeks of Polish language instruction. We continued with lessons once we were there and immersed ourselves in the culture to better understand our new home. We stayed for 3 ½ years and were fairly fluent in Polish by the time we moved back to the states. We still have our own special “Pol-english” we use at home if we don’t want the kids to understand what is being said!
One thing I have always wanted to do but never have: Oh, a long list...I would love to travel to Asia someday and I would also love to give my kids the opportunity to spend time living abroad. It gives you such a different perspective on life when it is viewed through another lens.
If I could change one thing about myself it would be: I would love to be a more patient person…both with myself and others.
The talent I would most like to have: I’ve always wished for more grace on the dance floor.
The one thing I can’t live without: Only one? How about good strong coffee, books & fabric!
The song that best describes my life: “What a Wonderful Life.”
One of my favorite sayings is: Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty.
Actress I’d like to portray me in a movie about my life: Emma Thompson.
Congrats! That is fabulous!!
WOW! That is so exciting...... great picture!!
Hey, thanks for following my blog .... your designs are wonderful. So is your photography!! I esp. love the cherry blossom collage you did .... one of these days I'll figure out how to do those (sigh) :)
i have definitely got my eye on you...congrats on the feature, girlie! i loved reading your interview and learning some new stuff about you. you are all sorts of famous these days!
So cool - congratulations!!
Very exciting..You are the woman to watch for certain..blessed with your friendship.
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