softies that is! My baby brother recently turned 30 so I wanted to make him something special for his birthday. His wife is living in Paris for the semester as she works on her doctorate and he is very lonely back in Brooklyn so I decided to make him some company. I emailed my SIL and asked her ..."If you were an animal, what animal would you be?"
Fortunately for me, she answered "a cat" - not sure what I would have done if she had answered something more challenging or obscure - cat I could handle!
So I set to work and came up with LuLu - the Parisian Kitty :)

She was a hit with Ben! I just forgot that he had to take her home on the plane...not sure how he explained that as he had not checked any bags - whoops!

Oh How sweet is that!!!
How cute !
He looks happy !
she is perfecto, and so are you for thinking of this! makes me wish i had a sister... :)
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